Zhangjiakou - Hohhot High Speed Train
Nowadays, about 34 pairs of high speed trains run between two cities along Zhangjiakou - Hohhot high speed rail line. The travel time is about 1.5 - 2 hours and the ticket fare is CNY 103 - 125 (USD 15 - 18) for a sceond class seat.
There is also one pair of normal speed trains K395 / 396, costing less but taking 6 - 7 hours.
Distance: 287 kilometers (178 miles)
Running speed: 250 km/h (155 mph)
Duration: about 1.5 - 2 hours
Operate at: Zhangjiakou Railway Station , Hohhot Railway Station / Hohhot East Railway Station
Stations along the way: Huai'an, Xinghe North, Ulanqab, Zhuozi East
(Last Update on Oct 28, 2024)
About 34 departures in total: departure time from 07:52 to 21:56; duration is 1H20M to 1H57M.
See more Zhangjiakou Schedule
(Last Update on Oct 28, 2024)
About 34 departures in total: departure time from 06:38 to 20:30; duration is 1H23M to 1H52M.
See more Hohhot Schedule
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. For real-time schedule, please search by the tool on the top of this page.
(Last Update on Oct 28, 2024)
Zhangjiakou – Hohhot High Speed Railway consists of Zhangjiakou – Ulanqab and Ulanqab – Hohhot High Speed Railways.
Zhangjiakou – Ulanqab: It runs for a distance of 161 kilometers (100 miles) and its speed is 250 km/h (155 mph). Duration between Zhangjiakou and Ulanqab has shortened to 50 minutes or so.
Ulanqab – Hohhot: This section has come into service since August 3rd, 2017, which marked that Inner Mongolia has started the High Speed Rail Era. The running distance is 126 kilometers (78 miles) and running speed is up to 250 km/h (155 mph). Journey time has been reduced to 40 minutes.
Thanks to the operation of Beijing – Zhangjiakou and Zhangjiakou - Hohhot High Speed Railways, Hohhot and Beijing, Tianjin and major cities in Hebei Province can be reached within 3 hours.
Zhangjiakou - Hohhot High Speed Railway, as the first high speed rail line to connect Inner Mongolia with other cities in China, provides tourists a chance to appreciate the beautiful scenery along the way, which varies from mountains to grasslands.
Zhangjiakou - One of the top 10 ice and snow tourism cities in China
As a co-host city of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, Zhangjiakou boasts the largest natural ski resorts in north China and is known as the Davos in the Orient. Besides, the city has the famous Dajingmen Great Wall, Small Wutai Mountain Nature Reserve, Bashang Prairie, and Zhangbei Grassland which are worth a visit.
Ulanqab is famous for its vast picturesque grasslands such as Gegentala Grassland and Huitengxile Grassland. Here, tourists can appreciate the vast grassland, visit the local families, watch the interesting performances such as wrestling or horse-racing, or ride a horse roaming on the grassland. When night falls, visitors can also join the bonfire party to appreciate the folk dancing and singing.
When going to the city, tourists can visit a number of attraction sites including Dazhao Temple, Xilamuren Grassland, Xilituzhao Palace and Five-Pagoda Temple.
Major Rail Lines from Zhangjiakou to:
Major Rail Lines from Hohhot to:
There is also one pair of normal speed trains K395 / 396, costing less but taking 6 - 7 hours.
Basic Facts of Zhangjiakou - Hohhot High Speed Train

Zhangjiakou to Hohhot High Speed Train Schedule:
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D1023 | 07:52 - 09:37 | 1h45m |
D1071 | 09:56 - 11:33 | 1h37m |
G2465 | 12:16 - 13:42 | 1h26m |
D1013 | 16:01 - 17:39 | 1h38m |
G2475 | 20:50 - 22:16 | 1h26m |
See more Zhangjiakou Schedule
Hohhot to Zhangjiakou Bullet Train Schedule:
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D1002 | 06:55 - 08:30 | 1h35m |
D1026 | 10:12 - 11:49 | 1h37m |
G2468 | 13:12 - 14:38 | 1h26m |
D1018 | 15:53 - 17:48 | 1h55m |
G2478 | 19:46 - 21:11 | 1h25m |
See more Hohhot Schedule
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. For real-time schedule, please search by the tool on the top of this page.
Zhangjiakou - Hohhot High Speed Train Ticket Price
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 324 - 375.5 USD 46 - 53 | CNY 153 - 201 USD 22 - 29 | CNY 103 - 125 USD 15 - 18 |
Running Routes of Zhangjiakou - Hohhot High Speed Train
Zhangjiakou – Ulanqab: It runs for a distance of 161 kilometers (100 miles) and its speed is 250 km/h (155 mph). Duration between Zhangjiakou and Ulanqab has shortened to 50 minutes or so.
Ulanqab – Hohhot: This section has come into service since August 3rd, 2017, which marked that Inner Mongolia has started the High Speed Rail Era. The running distance is 126 kilometers (78 miles) and running speed is up to 250 km/h (155 mph). Journey time has been reduced to 40 minutes.
An important link between Inner Mongolia and Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei Area
What to See along the Way

As a co-host city of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, Zhangjiakou boasts the largest natural ski resorts in north China and is known as the Davos in the Orient. Besides, the city has the famous Dajingmen Great Wall, Small Wutai Mountain Nature Reserve, Bashang Prairie, and Zhangbei Grassland which are worth a visit.

Ulanqab is famous for its vast picturesque grasslands such as Gegentala Grassland and Huitengxile Grassland. Here, tourists can appreciate the vast grassland, visit the local families, watch the interesting performances such as wrestling or horse-racing, or ride a horse roaming on the grassland. When night falls, visitors can also join the bonfire party to appreciate the folk dancing and singing.

When going to the city, tourists can visit a number of attraction sites including Dazhao Temple, Xilamuren Grassland, Xilituzhao Palace and Five-Pagoda Temple.

Recommended Tours
- Last updated on Nov. 05, 2024 by Grace Yang -
Questions & Answers on Zhangjiakou - Hohhot High Speed Train
Asked by Acroyd from GREECE | Apr. 25, 2020 17:33

How to get from Hohhot East Station to Hohhot Station and how long it takes?
Answers (1)
Answered by Danny from CANADA | Apr. 28, 2020 17:30

It would be better if you take a taxi directly which would be around 25min. If you use bus or metro, you need to walk some distance, so not convenient with luggage. If you do not mind walking distance, you can use metro line 1 at East Station and get off at the 8th stop, Xinhua Square, exit H2. You can then walk around 1km to the north direction to reach there. I think you need at least 50min for this option.
Asked by Johan Tung from MALAYSIA | Sep. 22, 2019 06:49

Is the highspeed train between Zhangjiakou and Hohhot operational now in October 2019 ?
Answers (1)
Answered by Li W | Sep. 23, 2019 20:40

Not yet, not sure if it will be put into service at the same time Beijing-Zhangjiakou starts.