Zaozhuang Railway Station
Address: Southern End of Qilianshan Road, Xuecheng District.
(Last Update on Apr 25, 2023)
To | Trains | Duration | Ticket Fare (CNY) |
First/ Second Class Seat | |||
Shanghai | G2661, G107, G115, G117... 17 departures from 07:33 to 19:46 | 2h45m - 3h41m | CNY 518/ 309 USD 76/ 45 |
Beijing | G2572, G1566, G106, G174... 15 departures from 07:27 to 20:41 | 2h33m - 3h2m | CNY 427/ 254 USD 63/ 37 |
Jinan | G6986, G6986, G2572, G6982... 35 departures from 07:00 to 22:33 | 0h50m - 1h43m | CNY 153/ 92 USD 23/ 14 |
Qingdao | G246, G254, G316, G282 from 08:46 to 17:36 | 3h42m - 3h56m | CNY 367/ 224.5 USD 54/ 33 |
Hangzhou East | G343, G1731, G281, G177... 15 departures from 08:23 to 18:26 | 2h46m - 4h17m | CNY 503/ 307.5 USD 74/ 45 |
Yantai | G6986, G6982 at 07:00 and 07:44 | 4h3m - 4h32m | CNY 423/ 259.5 USD 62/ 38 |

Station Plan
Zaozhuang Train Station is equipped with 2 platforms and 6 tracks on the ground floor. The waiting hall, station entrance and exit are on the underground floor.
How to get to Zaozhuang Railway Station from downtown area:
Passengers can take any of the following buses to Zaozhuang Railway Station:
1. To Beijing – Shanghai Railway Zaozhuang Station bus stop: B10, G516, T1.
2. To Zaozhuang Railway Station bus stop: B6, G516, Airport Shuttle Zaozhuang line.
3. To Railway Station bus stop which is to the south of the train station: No. 5, Inner Ring 101, Outer Ring 101, 109, 110, 503, Zaozhuang West Station – Railway Station.
How to get to Tai’er Zhuang Ancient Town from Zaozhuang Railway Station:
Passengers can take bus B10 to Tai’er Zhuang Ancient Town directly. It passes 7 bus stops in total and Tai’er Zhuang Ancient Town is the last stop which is located not far from the ancient town. The whole trip will take about 2 hours at cost of CNY5 and this bus line operates from 7:20 am to 8:00pm every day.
How to get to Wanmu Pomegranates Orchard:
1. Take bus No.5 and get off at Yicheng bus stop where is about 1,800 meters (2,000 yards) from the southeast gate of Wanmu Pomegranates Orchard. After getting off, walk westward and turn left when you encounter the third crossroad, then go straight and you will see the orchard. The ticket fare is CNY3 and the trip takes about 2 hours.
2. Passenger can take a taxi for about 45 minutes and it costs CNY60.
How to get to Zaozhuang West Railway Station:
1. Passengers can take bus Inner Ring 101 from Railway Station bus stop to Zaoxi bus stop; it takes about 35 minutes.
2. You can also take a taxi at cost of CNY20 within 10 minutes.