Wuhan - Guangzhou High Speed Train

 Ticket fare for Wuhan-Guangzhou High Speed G Trains have been adjusted since June 15, 2024. The highest price increases by 19% compared to previous rates, while the lowest ticket price receives a discount of 34%.
Currently, there are about 90 pairs of high speed G trains shuttling between Wuhan and Guangzhou. Their travel time is 3.5 - 5.5 hours. It costs around CNY 176 - 553 (USD 25 - 78) to buy a second class seat ticket.

In addition, 2 overnight D trains run from Wuhan to Guangzhou and 1 from Guangzhou to Wuhan with a duration of around 11 hours.

Basic Facts of Wuhan – Guangzhou High Speed Trains

 Open Date: December 26, 2009

 Distance: 1,068 km (663 mi)

 Speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)

 Duration: 3.5 - 5.5 hours

 Operated at: Wuhan Railway Station / Hankou Railway Station; Guangzhou South / Guangzhou North Railway Station

 Major Stations: Wuhan, Wuhan, Chibi North, Changsha South, Hengyang East, Guangzhou North, and Guangzhou South.

Wuhan-Guangzhou High Speed Railway Map
High Speed Locomotive
High Speed Locomotive

Wuhan to Guangzhou High Speed Train Schedule

(Last Update on Oct 31, 2024)

Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G110506:54 - 11:264h32m
G54110:14 - 14:234h9m
G79512:02 - 15:343h32m
G33716:23 - 20:544h31m
G174719:04 - 23:414h37m
Aound 90 departures in total: departure time from 06:54 to 19:04; duration from 3H22M to 5H20M.

See more Wuhan Schedule

Guangzhou to Wuhan Bullet Train Timetable

(Last Update on Oct 31, 2024)

Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G174606:38 - 11:515h13m
G82610:24 - 15:034h39m
G87612:09 - 15:273h18m
G65016:25 - 20:464h21m
G112018:39 - 23:014h22m
Around 90 departures in total: departure time from 06:18 to 18:39; duration from 3H17M to 5H20M.

See more Guangzhou Schedule  

The timetable here is just for reference. Please refer to the search tool on the page top for the real time schedule.

Ticket Fare of Wuhan - Guangzhou High Speed Train

(Last Update on Oct 31, 2024)
Business Class SeatFirst Class SeatSecond Class Seat
CNY 1,403 - 1,739
USD 199 - 247
CNY 650 - 885
USD 92 - 126
CNY 176 - 553
USD 25 - 78


Wuhan - Guangzhou Overnight High Speed Sleeper Train Schedule and Ticket Fare

Train No. Departure - Arrival  Travel Time Ticket Fare
 New Soft Sleeper/Second Class Seat
D35 20:01 - 07:01 11H CNY 465 / CNY 180
D189 22:21 - 09:36 11H15M CNY 486 / CNY 176

Guangzhou - Wuhan Overnight High Speed Sleeper Train Schedule and Ticket Fare

Train No. Departure - Arrival  Travel Time Ticket Fare
 New Soft Sleeper/Second Class Seat
D192 20:52 - 08:05 11H13M CNY 445 / CNY 183
Note: The timetable above is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.

A Clean and Spacious First Class Cabin

Which Station to Choose/ How to go:

 Wuhan Railway Station:
Located in the eastern part of the city, it provides great convenience for passengers living nearby. It is also advised to use this station when transferring to high speed trains, as most of them stop here rather than other stations in the city. Although it is a little far from the city center, there are subway, city buses and coaches available here for transfer to other places.
1. By Subway: line 2, Line 4, line 5, line 19
2. By Bus: 118, 297, 382, 392, 513, 525, 540, 551, YX 525, YX 610, 610, 634, 643, Airport Shuttle Bus Line 3

Compared with Wuhan Railway Station, this station is closer to the city center. It is easily reached by those in the urban area. Transportation, including subway and city buses, is available here for passengers who want to get to attractions or other railway stations. Shopping areas are also found around the station.
1. By Subway: Line 2
2. By Bus: 9, 10, 38, 79, 207, 289, 292, 342, 411, 509, 512, 519, 536, 542, 528, 533, 561, 610, 703, 730, 713

 Guangzhou South:
This station is easily accessible to passengers in the southern area of the city. Those transferring to high speed trains are advised to arrive here as it has more high speed departures. Near the station is a long-distance bus station and many shopping areas. Subway and city buses are also available here for passengers’ convenience.
1. By Subway: Line 2Line 7, Line 22, Foshan Line 2
2. By Bus: 288A, 301A, 303A, 309A, 312, 20, 61, 79, 102, 110, Pan (52, 99, 100, 101,108B, 110, 129, 145)

 Guangzhou North:
Located in the northern area of the city, it is more convenient for passengers to/from the northern downtown and northern suburban areas. Although it is a little far from downtown, there are city buses to take passengers to the station easily.
1. By Subway: Line 9
2. By Bus: Hua (1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 17b, 19), Hua19 Yonggao regular bus, Hua27, Hua63, Hua63 Rulincun regular bus, Hua (773, 80, 81, 84, 85, 92, 93)

Regular Trains Between Wuhan and Guangzhou

There are over 20 pairs of them running between Wuchang and GuangzhouGuangzhou East / Guangzhou North Railway Station. The duration is between 11 - 14.5 hours. The ticket fare is generally CNY 425.5 - 443.5 for a soft sleeper, CNY 247.5 - 255.5 for a hard sleeper, and CNY135.5 - 138.5 for a hard seat.
See also: How to Travel between Guangzhou and Wuhan

Major Rail Lines from Wuhan to:
- Last updated on Nov. 06, 2024 by Brenda Lian -
Questions & Answers on Wuhan - Guangzhou High Speed Train
Asked by Jacobs from MEXICO | Apr. 24, 2020 17:22Reply
Does Hankou Station now in service?
Answers (1)
Answered by TravelChinaGuide | Apr. 25, 2020 17:27

Thank you for your inquiry.

Yes, all railway stations in Wuhan city were already in service since April 8. However, if you are looking for this trip between Guangzhou and Wuhan, no train stop at Hankou Station, only at Wuhan and Wuchang Station.
Asked by Patty from BELGIUM | Sep. 02, 2019 20:35Reply
Hi, would you please kindly advise when the final train of line 2 to Haizhu Square?
We are looking for a hotel near Haizhu Square but we are not sure if the line 2 still runs at late night? Thank you for your information.
Answers (1)
Answered by Mckenzie | Sep. 03, 2019 18:19

As I read, line 2 ends at 11:30pm. I think it should be OK to catch it if you arrived by train. They have taken the train time into consideration.
Asked by Joyce | Mar. 27, 2019 19:47Reply
How to go from Wuhan University to Wuhan Station.
Answers (1)
Answered by Janet from MEXICO | Mar. 28, 2019 19:20

There is no direct bus or subway. You can take bus No. 724 from Luojiashan Road (Quanyechang) to Chuhehanjie subway station and take line 4 to the railway station. Take the time for waiting etc. into consideration, you need at least 1 hour. Taxi would be much more convenient but the cost will be higher. It could be around CNY40.
Asked by Liya from CONGO | Mar. 07, 2019 04:57Reply
If i want to go to Guangzhou Airport ,which bus can i take from GuangZhou North railway station
Answers (1)
Answered by Nachiya from JAPAN | Mar. 07, 2019 16:07

You can take airport shuttle bus route No. 9 which runs around every 30 to 45min. The duration is about 50min. Or you may take metro instead which could be a little faster. You can take line 9 from North Station to Gaozeng and then change to line 3 to reach the airport.
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