Terms and Conditions for China Train Ticket Booking
Thank you for using TravelChinaGuide train booking service. Please read through the following booking terms and conditions carefully. These are in place to protect both you, our distinguished guests, and TravelChinaGuide, in regards to your train ticket booking.
  1. Please make sure the passengers' information you offer is exactly the same as what appears on their passports, with the same sequence, no abbreviation or omission of any kind. Any mistakes on names or passport numbers will result in boarding denied at the station.
  2. The passports used for boarding the train should be the same ones used for booking.
  3. China train tickets can be issued 15 days before departure date, which may be slightly changed or even shortened by China Rail. TravelChinaGuide can issue tickets for you once they are released.
  4. Availability of train tickets is under the total control of China Railway Corporation. TravelChinaGuide has no influence over release of train tickets. We will do our best to buy train tickets, but can't 100% guarantee the availability. We will try to find an alternative or issue a full refund to you. Either way, we shall keep you informed.
  1. Total price = ticket price +service charge + transaction fee (charged by the third party).
  2. Our quotation is based on the updated exchange rate between US Dollar and CN Yuan, which is USD1.00 equates to CNY7.11.
  1. Full payment for all tickets is required prior to the issuance of the tickets.
  2. We accept payment by PayPal, Credit Card, Wire Transfer, Alipay and WeChat. The handling charge is your responsibility.
  3. Full payment is refundable if we fail to issue the ticket on your selected train or your suggested alternatives.
Changes (Except Trains to/out of Hong Kong)
  1. FREE changes before the ticket is issued.
  2. FREE changes after the ticket is issued but 8 days before the train departure date. The new train should be within the selling date released by China Rail.
  3. For changes made within 8 days before departure time, 5% to 20% of the ticket price will be charged as a change fee:
    • 5% for changes made more than 48 hours before departure time;
    • 10% for changes made 24-48 hours before departure time;
    • 20% for changes made within 24 hours before departure time.
  4. Departure station and passenger information cannot be changed once the ticket is issued.
  5. TravelChinaGuide cannot accept changes within 24 hours before departure time.
  6. Change requests should be sent to us via email. And the requests for change will be subject to our confirmation.
  7. Second time change is regarded as CANCELLATION (see below).
  8. If the reimbursement voucher has been collected at train station, then changes can only be made by passengers themselves with all reimbursement voucher and all passports presented at railway stations.
Cancellation & Refund (Except Trains to/out of Hong Kong)
  1. FREE cancellation before ticket is issued.
  2. After the ticket has been issued, we adhere to the cancellation policy set forth by China Rail, that is 5%-20% of the ticket price will be charged. The penalty amount will be determined based on the timing of the successful cancellation. Kindly note that the booking service fee is non-refundable.

    • No penalty for cancellations made more than 8 days before departure time;
    • 5% for cancellations made between 8 days and 48 hours before departure time;
    • 10% for cancellations made between 48 and 24 hours before departure time;
    • 20% for cancellations made within 24 hours before departure time.
  3. Please kindly inform TravelChinaGuide of your cancellation request 24 hours before the scheduled departure time. Please note that all cancellation requests are subject to our confirmation.
  4. If the reimbursement voucher has been collected at train station, then cancellation can only be made by passengers themselves with all reimbursement voucher and all passports presented at train stations. The service fee is non-refundable.
  5. A cancellation request after the train departure won't be accepted by China Railway Corporation, therefore there will be no refund.
Change & Cancellation Policy for Trains to/out of Hong Kong
  1. According to the regulations of China Railway and Hong Kong Railway authorities, trains to/out of Hong Kong adopt different change/ cancellation policies as below.
  2. Change:
    FREE changes before the ticket is issued.

    Once the ticket is issued, 5% to 50% of the ticket price will be charged as a change fee:
    • 5% for changes made more than 8 days before departure time;
    • 30% for changes made 48 hours - 8 days before departure time;
    • 50% for changes made within 48 hours before departure time.

    After the ticket is issued, the departure/ arrival stations and passenger information cannot be changed. Once the ticket is changed, no cancellation is allowed by China Rail, thus there is no refund.

  3. Cancellation:
  4. FREE cancellations before the ticket is issued.
  5. After the ticket has been issued, 5% - 50% of the ticket price will be charged as the cancellation penalty by China Rail. The penalty amount will be determined based on the timing of the successful cancellation. Please kindly note that the booking service fee is non-refundable.
    • 5% for cancellations made more than 8 days before departure time;
    • 30% for cancellations made 8 days - 48 hours before departure time;
    • 50% for cancellations made within 48 hours before departure time.
  6. Please kindly inform TravelChinaGuide of your cancellation request 24 hours before the scheduled departure time. Please note that all changes / cancellation requests are subject to our confirmation.
  7. According to the regulations of China Rail, trains departing to or from Hong Kong do not offer any flexibility for changes or cancellations due to late arrival. Therefore, missing the train will result in the forfeiture of the entire cost.
  1. Availability of train tickets is under the total control of China Railway Corporation. TravelChinaGuide has no influence over release of train tickets. We will do our best to buy train tickets, but can't 100% guarantee the availability. We will make a 100% refund to you if we failed to get the tickets or the agreed alternative for you.
  2. For seats allocation on the train, China Rail will prioritize your first choice. If it is not available, then the system will assign available alternative seats randomly. This is beyond TravelChinaGuide’s control.
  3. TravelChinaGuide will try our best to keep you updated, but we are not responsible for any train schedule changes, cancellation or delay due to emergencies or extreme weather conditions.