Shanghai to Yiwu Train
There are altogether 84 trains running from Shanghai to Yiwu, including 46 high speed trains and 38 normal types. Vice versa, there are 86 rides in total, 52 of them are bullet rides and the rest 34 are normal types. Bullet types run a total distance of 268 kilometers (167 miles), with journey time of 1.5 - 2.5 hours; while normal ones take 3 - 5 hours and the distance is 312 kilometers (194 miles). Overnight sleeper trains are not available for this short-distance trip.
Duration: about 1.5 - 2.5 hours
Distance: about 268 kilometers (167 miles)
Top speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)
Operated at: Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station, Yiwu Railway Station
Stations along the way: Songjiang South, Jinshan North, Jiashan South, Jiaxing South, Tongxiang, Haining West, Yuhang, Hangzhou East, Zhuji
(Last Update on Apr 25, 2023)
Around 45 departures in total: departure time from 06:11 to 20:44; duration from 1H20M to 2H17M.
See more Shanghai Schedule
(Last Update on Apr 25, 2023)
Around 45 departures in total: departure time from 07:28 to 21:49; duration from 1H21M to 1H59M.
See more Yiwu Schedule
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please use our tool on top of this page to search for the real-time schedule.
(Last Update on Apr 25, 2023)
Ticket fare for bullet types is a little bit higher than the normal types, but it saves more than half of the travel time. There is no doubt that the carriage environment of bullet types is better than the normal types. Choosing to take bullet types will allow you to have a comfortable and relaxing journey! And there are more bullet types, so you have more choices on departure time and seat classes, etc.
Duration: around 3 - 5 hours
Distance: about 312 kilometers (194 miles)
Top speed: 100/ 120/ 140/ 160 km/h (62/ 75/ 87/ 99 mph)
Operated at: Shanghai South Railway Station, Yiwu Railway Station
Stations along the way: Songjiang, Jiashan, Jiaxing, Haining, Hangzhou, Hangzhou East, Zhuji
(Last Update on Apr 25, 2023)
Around 40 departures in total: departure time from 04:56 to 23:30; duration from 2H51M to 5H2M.
(Last Update on Apr 25, 2023)
Around 35 departures in total: departure time from 00:02 to 23:10; duration from 3H1M to 4H36M.
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please use our tool on top of this page to search for the real-time schedule.
(Last Update on Apr 25, 2023)
Although it's just a short travel, you'd better choose Z types or T types which take less time compared with K types. If you choose K types, you'd better buy a sleeper which is more comfortable because the carriages for hard seats are crowded, especially during the holidays and its environment is not that good.
What's more, you can also take a coach to travel between the two cities and it takes about 3 hours or so. But it is not as comfortable as a high speed rail ride.
Further Reading:
How to Travel between Shanghai and Yiwu: Besides trains, long-distance buses are available.
Major Rail Lines from Shanghai to:
Major Rail Lines from Yiwu to:
High Speed Trains
Basic Facts:

Shanghai to Yiwu High Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1387 | 12:20 - 13:55 | 1h35m |
See more Shanghai Schedule
Yiwu to Shanghai Bullet Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G7330 | 08:29 - 10:14 | 1h45m |
G1584 | 12:32 - 13:59 | 1h27m |
G7376 | 15:05 - 16:33 | 1h28m |
G1378 | 17:53 - 19:20 | 1h27m |
See more Yiwu Schedule
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please use our tool on top of this page to search for the real-time schedule.
Shanghai - Yiwu High Speed Train Ticket Price
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 377.5 USD 56 | CNY 201.5 USD 30 | CNY 123 USD 18 |
Ticket fare for bullet types is a little bit higher than the normal types, but it saves more than half of the travel time. There is no doubt that the carriage environment of bullet types is better than the normal types. Choosing to take bullet types will allow you to have a comfortable and relaxing journey! And there are more bullet types, so you have more choices on departure time and seat classes, etc.
Normal Trains
Basic Facts:

Shanghai to Yiwu Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
Yiwu to Shanghai Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please use our tool on top of this page to search for the real-time schedule.
Shanghai - Yiwu Train Ticket Price
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
-- -- | -- -- | -- -- |
Although it's just a short travel, you'd better choose Z types or T types which take less time compared with K types. If you choose K types, you'd better buy a sleeper which is more comfortable because the carriages for hard seats are crowded, especially during the holidays and its environment is not that good.

How to Travel between Shanghai and Yiwu: Besides trains, long-distance buses are available.

- Last updated on Apr. 25, 2023 -
Questions & Answers on Shanghai to Yiwu Train
Asked by Phil from UNITED KINGDOM | Oct. 23, 2019 05:13

I will be looking to travel from Hongqiao to Yiwu by train. Is it better to pre-book a ticket?
I'll have to get to Hongqiao from Pudong airport so timing isn't going to be exact.
Answers (1)
Answered by Tyquan from PHILIPPINES | Oct. 24, 2019 01:15

If you are flexible with arrival time in Yiwu, you can buy a ticket at station after your arrival. If not, you can pre-order ticket online. Like you side, some delay may occurs so it is safer if you prepare longer time between the two transfer. If you missed the train booked, I heard you can change to other later one with no charge. Surely, wish this back up is not necessary for you :)
Asked by Oswaldo | May. 20, 2019 03:35

From Yiwu Station to International Trade Center
how to go?
Answers (1)
Answered by Maurice from INDIA | May. 20, 2019 18:15

If you do not mind using city bus, you can try to find bus No. 801 or 802 near the station to reach Trade Center directly, the 16th or 17th stop. If by taxi, it should be within 30min. You can always find a taxi near station.
Asked by Patty from FINLAND | Jan. 22, 2019 23:13

Will I have a seat for sure if I book a second class seat?
Is there any chance I will be given a standing ticket? I will be traveling with kids, so I need to guarantee a seat.
Answers (1)
Answered by TravelChinaGuide | Jan. 23, 2019 17:19

Thank you for your inquiry.
If you book the second class seat, we will reserve the seat for you. Once your tickets are confirmed, we will inform you detailed carriage number and seat number. We will not book standing ticket for you without your permission. Please reassured.
If you book the second class seat, we will reserve the seat for you. Once your tickets are confirmed, we will inform you detailed carriage number and seat number. We will not book standing ticket for you without your permission. Please reassured.
Asked by Randell | Nov. 01, 2018 00:41

How many stopovers between Shanghai Hongqiao and Yiwu?
Is there English service to remind me the correct station to get off?
Answers (1)
Answered by Greyson from FINLAND | Nov. 01, 2018 20:36

The stopovers can be different for each rides. But when one destination is approaching, there will be both English and Chinese posted on the LED screen in carriage. You can read it.