Prohibited Items
What articles are forbidden to be taken into China?
Answer: The followings are items that are prohibited for entry:
1. Weapons, simulated weapons, ammunition and explosives.
2. Forged currency or securities.
3. Printed matter, films, photos, movies, audiotapes, videotapes, CDs, DVDs, computer storage devices and other things that could do harm to China's politics, economy, culture and morality.
4. Poison and addictive drugs.
5. Food, drugs or other things that could do harm to humans and animals, and are infectious or from epidemic areas.
6. Animal and animal products:
a. All living animals (excluding dogs and cats) and their sperm, zygotes, embryos and other genetic things.
b. Uncooked or cooked meat (including internal organs); marine animal products;
c. Milk of animal and its products, including raw milk, fresh milk, yoghurt, cream, butter, cheese and other dairy products which are not heat-treated as well as whey powder, silkworm chrysalis, silkworm eggs, animal blood and its products, products of aquatic animals and so on.
d. Eggs and its products, including fresh eggs, preserved eggs, salted eggs, egg liquid, egg shells, mayonnaise and other egg products which are not heat-treated.
e. Fur, mane, bones, horns, oil and fat, fleshes (viscera included) and the corresponding products
f. Edible bird’s nests (excluding canned bird's nests).
g. Transgenic biomaterials.
7. Plants and plant products:
a. Fresh fruit and vegetables.
b. Tobacco leaves (excluding cut tobacco).
c. Seeds, sprouts, nursery stock and other fertilizable plants.
d. Organic cultivation medium.
e. Soil.
8. Other quarantine types:
a. Animal bodies, samples or specimens, and offal from animals.
b. Transgenic biomaterial.
c. Pathogens of animals and plants, injurious insects and other injurious organisms.
d. Human blood and corresponding products.
e. Other animals and plants and their products banned by the country.
If you unintentionally bring any of these items mentioned above, please give it to the inspection & quarantine officials or throw into the disposal box arranged by the authority.
What articles have to be the declared when bringing into China?
1. Seeds, plants and other propagating materials, tobaccos, grains & cereals, beans (Inspection approval should be prepared in advance).
2. Fresh, cut and dried flowers.
3. Vegetative samples, exhibits and specimens.
4. Dried fruits, dried & pickled vegetables and frozen vegetables.
5. Products made from bamboos, canes, wickers, grass and wood.
6. Pet: dog or cat.
7. Licensed imported human blood and its products, microorganisms, human tissue and other biological products. Note: Each person is allowed to take one pet into China, a dog or a cat. Upon arriving, he/she needs to present a valid vaccination certificate against rabies/hydrophobia and animal quarantine certificate issued by official quarantine bureau/department of the departing place. After entry, the pet will be placed in isolation for 30 days (after 7 days’ quarantine in the appointed site by the authority, it needs to be in isolation for another 23 days at the owner’s living place.)
What things are not allowed to be taken out of China when exiting?
1. All the items that are prohibited from entering China
2. manuscripts, presswork, films, photographs, movies, audiotapes, videotapes, CDs, DVDs, computer storage devices and other things that involve state secrets.
3. Valuable cultural relics and other relics that are prohibited from exiting.
4. Endangered and precious animals and plants (and their samples), as well as their seeds and the materials for reproduction.
I’m traveling to China. Can I take my pet hamster along with me?
Answer: No, you can not take your pet hamster. Visitors are allowed to take one dog or cat to enter China. Other animals are prohibited. If you plan to take your cat or dog, you also need to provide an animal quarantine certificate and a vaccination certificate issued by an official veterinarian.
Am I allowed to take some American ginseng as gifts to my Chinese friends?
Answer: No, American ginseng can not be taken into China.
You are not allowed to carry the following animal and plant products when entering or exiting China: ivory, rhinoceros horn, dried sea horse, scales of pangolins, fur or bones of tiger, leopard and wolf, giant clam, Strombus gigas, sea turtle samples, crocodile, products made from the skin of python and goanna, hawksbill products, slice or powder of agilawood, bear gall, musk, dendrobe, fritillaria, cistanch, and American ginseng.
What will happen if I am found carrying prohibited items in my luggage?
Answer: When entering or exiting China, visitors carrying prohibited items violate the law. If you do not intend to violate the law and declare them to customs, you will be exempt from punishment, but all the prohibited items will be confiscated. Those who deliberately violate the law will face punishment.
Is it OK to take my mink coat?
Answer: The coats made of artificially bred mink are allowed, but those made of otter are not.
Can I take Bible to China?
Answer: Bibles are allowed for personal use and up to three copies is a reasonable number. Any extra copies will be confiscated by Customs.