Moscow – Vladivostok Trains
Basic Information

The total length of Moscow - Vladivostok is about 9259 kilometers (5753 miles) and the duration is 144-166 hours, depending on different trains which you take. This railway line opened to public in 1966 and it made its first trip in 1966 as well. As the longest railway line in the world, Moscow-Vladivostok line passes by Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, Khabarovsk and finally reaches Vladivostok.
Departure & Arrival Train Stations
Moscow Yaroslavsky Train Station
This train station is with unique characteristics and style, mainly serving for trains to Siberia, the Russian Far East, Mongolia and China.
Address: 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Moscow
How to get: You can take the metro "Komsomolskaya" to get there as it is the most convenient way for travelers.
Vladivostok Train Station
This train station belongs to a land port railway station, mainly serving for trains to Siberia and Western Russia.
Address: No. 2 Aleutskaya Street, Vladivostok.
How to get: The high-speed express train station is next to the Vladivostok Train Station, where you can take the express train to the airport directly.
Moscow to Vladivostok Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Duration |
002Э | 01:00 | 06:17 +6 | 166 hours |
010H | 22:30 | 17:00 +6 | 155 hours |

Vladivostok to Moscow Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Duration |
009Н | 13:45 | 16:00 +6 | 153 hours |
001Э | 22:25 | 11:10 +6 | 163 hours |

Two pairs of trains are operating the route of Moscow - Vladivostok. One is the famous Rossiya Express Train No.002/001. Rossiya train is regarded as one of the best trains in Russia in terms of its service, friendly attendants and maintenance.
The whole running distance of Rossiya train is about 9259 kilometers and Regular train is 9301 kilometers. Rossiya train has 2nd and 3rd carriages, as well as a restaurant carriage. There are many stops for this trip, Rossiya train will pass by 90 cities and Regular train will go through 120 cities.
Actually, no matter which train you take, you will view distinct sceneries and experience different styles along the way.
Is there any beautiful scenery along the way?
Yes, there is. Both of trains will pass by many important cities, like Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude, as well as some amazing sceneries, like Yekaterinburg Cathedral, Altay Mountains, Lake Baikal, Ivolginsk Datsan Monastery, The Yenisei River and the Angara River. They are with their unique characteristics and styles, attracting a number of travelers there. The trip must be an unforgettable experience for every traveler.
- Last updated on Sep. 03, 2024 by Gabby Li -
Questions & Answers on Moscow – Vladivostok Trains
Asked by Ashokkumar Kharat from INDIA | Sep. 03, 2024 02:53

I want to travel masco to Vladivostok
Please tell me which season is better for journey?
Answers (1)
Answered by Keith | Sep. 03, 2024 19:36

I personally recommend September for the comfortable weather, autumn scenery and seafood.