Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod Trains
Basic Information

Departure & Arrival Train Stations
For trains between Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, all the high speed trains will use Moscow Kursky Station, and all the overnight trains will use Moscow Yaroslavsky Station. In Nizhny Novgorod, the only train station is Nizhny Novgorod Station.
Moscow Kursky Station
The Kursky Station is the largest train station in Moscow, which can simultaneously accommodate 11,000 passengers. It was built in 1896, connecting Moscow with Nizhny Novgorod and other southern cities.
Address: Zemlyanoi Val str. 29, Moscow, Russia
How to get: The train station is just next to the Moscow's Kurskaya Metro Station. You can easily get to the train station by using the subway line 3 or 5.
Moscow Yaroslavsky Station
The Yaroslavskiy station is the busiest train station in Russia in terms of passenger traffic. It serves a variety of destinations, like Nizhniy Novgorod, Vladivostok, and many other cities.
Address: 5 Komsomolskaya pl., 107140, Moscow, Russia, Moscow, Russia
How to get: It is convenient to take the metro red line to get to the Yaroslavskiy station, which is next to the Komsomolskaya Metro Station. The Yaroslavskiy station is located in the Komsomolskaya Square, near to the Leningradskiy and Kazanskiy railway stations.
Nizhny Novgorod Station
The Nizhny Novgorod Station mainly serves the trains to Moscow, Siberia, Mongolia and China.
Address: 2 Revolution sq., Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
How to get: It’s easy to get to the Nizhny Novgorod Station by subway and the nearest metro station is Moskovskaya Station.
Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod Train Schedules
To travel from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod, travelers can take the overnight Nizhegorogets trains, or high-speed Strizh, Lastochka trains. The followings are detailed timetables about these types of trains.
Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod Daytime Train Schedule
(Last Update on June 20, 2024, extracted)
Train No. | Departure | Arrival | Travel Time |
701Ч | 6:30 Cherkizovo (Vostochniy) station | 10:20 Nizhny Novgorod | 3h50m |
727M | 07:15 Cherkizovo (Vostochniy) station | 11:04 Nizhny Novgorod | 3h49m |
236Г | 09:05 Yaroslavlsky station | 14:55 Nizhny Novgorod | 5h50m |
729M | 09:25 Cherkizovo (Vostochniy) station | 13:31 Nizhny Novgorod | 4h6m |
703Ч | 10:40 Cherkizovo (Vostochniy) station | 14:42 Nizhny Novgorod | 4h2m |
705Ч | 14:00 Cherkizovo (Vostochniy) station | 17:46 Nizhny Novgorod | 3h46m |
707Ч | 15:38 Cherkizovo (Vostochniy) station | 19:32 Nizhny Novgorod | 3h54m |
727Г | 06:25 Nizhny Novgorod | 10:24 Kursky station | 3h59m |
701Г | 07:47 Nizhny Novgorod | 11:40 Cherkizovo (Vostochniy) station | 3h53m |
729Г | 09:40 Nizhny Novgorod | 13:53 Cherkizovo (Vostochniy) station | 4h13m |
703Й | 10:56 Nizhny Novgorod | 14:54 Cherkizovo (Vostochniy) station | 3h58m |
705Г | 15:33 Nizhny Novgorod | 19:28 Cherkizovo (Vostochniy) station | 3h55m |

Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod High Speed Night Train Schedule
(Last Update on June 20, 2024, extracted)
Train No. | Departure | Arrival | Travel Time |
707Г | 18:57 Nizhny Novgorod | 22:41 Cherkizovo (Vostochniy) | 3h44m |
721A | 04:51 Nizhny Novgorod | 09:09 Cherkizovo (Vostochniy) | 4h18m |
709Г | 20:11 Nizhny Novgorod | 23:59 Cherkizovo (Vostochniy) | 3h48m |
709Ч | 20:18 Cherkizovo (Vostochniy) | 23:59 Nizhny Novgorod | 3h41m |
721P | 21:15 Cherkizovo (Vostochniy) | 01:13 Nizhny Novgorod | 3h58m |
059A | 03:08 Cherkizovo (Vostochniy) | 08:30 Nizhny Novgorod | 5h22m |
032Г | 20:05 Yaroslavlsky station | 02:11 Nizhny Novgorod | 6h6m |
380Э | 20:32 Kazansky station | 07:18 Nizhny Novgorod | 10h46m |

- Last updated on Jun. 21, 2024 by Gabby Li -