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Chinese Literature
Brief Introduction
Chronologically, it can be divided into four main periods: classical, modern, contemporary and the present-age literature.
It refers to the earliest period and covers works from three thousands years ago to the late Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911), and is a virtually unbroken strand enduring dynastic changes. Written in an ancient form of language that is very different from present day Chinese, it needs to be carefully studied to be understood. Since it was nearly always developed under the reign of centralized and unified government, it is imbued with the thoughts of a culture that embraced slavery and a feudal society. It was steeped in an enclosed environment that hardly had any real links with religion or least of all the literature of foreign cultures.
It refers to the periord from the Opium War in 1840 to the May Fourth Moverment in 1919. As the decadent reign of the Qing failed to inspire the minds of people, the literary forms had remained unchanged; till the Opium War in 1840. Then they absorbed the impact of western thoughts as foreigners poured in China and established their colonies. Novels, poetry and other works began to appear with a theme of patriotism and a revelation of social ills.
It spanned the period from 1919 to the foundation of modern in 1949 and took on a new vigor, despite the fact that Chinese was in the throws of checkered and complicated times. This period was distinctive as it brought into being a new and revised literary language, form, content and skills allowing it to evolve into an independent and open art available to the whole of society. It attached great attention to people's lives and a future with strong political tendencies. Influenced by the tide of the world literature, it provided wide and amiable communication between writers and readers.
It is that which has evolved since the establishment of the People's Republic in 1949. During this time, there was a logjam as a consequence of the Cultural Revolution that lasted for nearly 10 years. That era is now long past and we now have a favorable turn on events and a great number of responsible writers deepen the literary forms and content. Nowadays literature prospers. As the Chinese nation is a racial mix of Han people together with 55 other ethnic groups, literature reflects this. The various ethnic groups have contributed greatly in this field.
- Last updated on Aug. 15, 2019 -
Questions & Answers on Chinese Literature
Asked by angola from ANGOLA | Sep. 07, 2016 18:18

Best day to get married in 2017
We are both november born. We have many friends leaving outside our country and we wold love to get married at the end of the year,,,
Answers (1)
Answered by Carter from NEW ZEALAND | Sep. 07, 2016 20:16

Here lists the auspicious dates in the last two months for your reference:
November: 3, 5, 12, 25
December: 1, 3, 8, 11, 28
November: 3, 5, 12, 25
December: 1, 3, 8, 11, 28
Asked by Fasaye Andrew O from NIGERIA | Jul. 21, 2011 08:20

Which school can i get a master in petroleum engineering geology from Nig. in china
Answers (1)
Answered by Bruce from CHINA | Jul. 22, 2011 02:41

Try the China University of Petroleum, Xi'an Shiyou University...