Guiyang - Guangzhou High Speed Train
Around 50 pairs of high speed trains are running between Guangzhou and Guiyang, with the shortest travel time of about 3H39M. The cheapest ticket for a second class seat is CNY 277.

Guiyang to Guangzhou High Speed Train Schedule
(Last Update on Oct 18, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1935 | 07:32 - 11:38 | 4h6m |
D1857 | 09:59 - 16:19 | 6h20m |
D1835 | 12:02 - 17:18 | 5h16m |
D1865 | 16:37 - 22:31 | 5h54m |
G2925 | 18:52 - 22:45 | 3h53m |
See more Guiyang Schedule
Guangzhou to Guiyang Bullet Train Schedule
(Last Update on Oct 18, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D1802 | 06:36 - 11:43 | 5h7m |
D1858 | 10:05 - 15:33 | 5h28m |
G3702 | 12:02 - 15:52 | 3h50m |
G2936 | 15:28 - 20:07 | 4h39m |
D1868 | 18:04 - 23:13 | 5h9m |
See more Guangzhou Schedule
Note: The timetable is for reference only. For real-time schedule, please search for it by the tool on top of the page.
Ticket Fare of Guiyang - Guangzhou High Speed Train
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 957 - 1,305 USD 136 - 185 | CNY 443 - 598.5 USD 63 - 85 | CNY 277 - 373 USD 39 - 53 |
Which Station to Choose / How to Get There:

By Bus: 56, 65, 66, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 270, 277, 702, K802, 802, B1, B2, B5, B6, B8, B236, B267, B268, B292, Guanshan Line 8
By Subway: Line 9

By Bus: 15, 106, 270, K271, 272, 274, 275
By Subway: Line 1, 3

By Subway: Line 2, 7, 22, Foshan Line 2
By Bus: Night Line 1, 2, 3, 4, 20, 61, 79, 102, 110; 288A, 301A, 303A, 309A, 312, Pan52, Pan99, Pan100, Pan108b, Pan110, Pan129, Pan145

By Subway: line 2 and line 5
By Bus: 52, 176, 210, 211, 254, 257, 543, 803, 807A, 807, 862B, B2A, B2, B10, night bus lines (7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 18, 25, 41, 55, 77, 79, 88, 94, 96)
What to see along the Way

Recommended Tours
- Last updated on Nov. 01, 2024 by Grace Yang -
Questions & Answers on Guiyang - Guangzhou High Speed Train
Asked by Lee from SINGAPORE | Apr. 20, 2020 17:25

Is there anyone knows about the last train time from Guiyang North to Beijing Road?
Answers (1)
Answered by Rata from MALAYSIA | Apr. 21, 2020 17:10

I read in a chat that metro line 1 ends at 11:25pm from North Railway Station to Beijing Road. It will reach Beijing Road at 11:38pm.
Asked by Hunter from USA | Aug. 19, 2019 00:21

Hello, is there any recommended hotel near Guiyang North Station?
Answers (1)
Answered by Kennedy from CANADA | Aug. 19, 2019 20:46

Maybe Atour Hotel or Shanshui Trends Hote. They are both arpund 20min walking distance from the hotel. You may consider them or find other hotels online. There are many hotels around the station.
Asked by Omarion | Mar. 13, 2019 02:58

I am about the booking the high speed train from Guiyang to Guangzhou
I want to make sure I can get the right station. Which station is the most convenient to use if I will go from chosed Land of Odin at No 78 West Zhongshan Road. Can you deliver paper tickets there? Look forward to your answer.
Answers (1)
Answered by TravelChinaGuide | Mar. 13, 2019 19:20

Thank you for your inquiry.
The closest station would be Guiyang Railway Station, the main station. It is about 3km in distance only. You can use taxi or metro line 1 from West Zhongshan Road. The second closer one is North Station, 13km in distance bus can be reached by metro line 1 directly. You can choose between this two stations based your schedule.
The closest station would be Guiyang Railway Station, the main station. It is about 3km in distance only. You can use taxi or metro line 1 from West Zhongshan Road. The second closer one is North Station, 13km in distance bus can be reached by metro line 1 directly. You can choose between this two stations based your schedule.
Asked by Whitney from ROMANIA | Nov. 09, 2018 01:45

Can I catch a train at 12:30 if my flight land at 10:15am?
I will land at Baiyun Airport at 10:15am. Can I catch a train at 12:30 from Guangzhou South Station? If I miss the train, can I still refund it or take a later one?
Answers (1)
Answered by Theresa | Nov. 11, 2018 16:09

Usually it would be better to prepare about 1 hour for the immigration check and luggage collection at the airport. It takes around 1.5 hours on the way to transfer to the South Station. Also, you still need about 1 to 1.5 hours for the collection. Therefore, you surely cannot catch the one at 12:30. You may need D212 at 2pm. By the way, in case you miss it, you can try to change the seat to a later one if there are still seats left. The ticket cannot be refunded.
Asked by gladz0504 from HUIZHOU CITY CHINA | Jul. 30, 2018 17:54

how long will it take to travel from shenzhen to guiyang south?
Answers (1)
Answered by Harriet | Jul. 30, 2018 20:46

Guiyang South Station is not for passenger use. For high speed ride, they all stop at the North Station taking 5 hours from Shenzhen.