Guangzhou to Lijiang Train
There is no direct train from Guangzhou to Lijiang in a short period. To travel between by high speed trains, one can have a transfer in Kunming South Railway Station or Kunming Railway Station. The total travel time is about 13 - 14 hours and the cost is CNY 665 - 670 for second class seats.
Taking a flight from Guangzhou to Lijiang directly is also a choice. The flight duration is about 2.5 - 3 hours.
Guangzhou South to Kunming South to Lijiang High Speed Train Schedule & Ticket Fare
Guangzhou South – Kunming South | Kunming South – Lijiang | Overall Travel Time | Ticket Fare(CNY) Second Class Seat |
G3810 07:41-16:30 | D8789 17:00-20:32 | 12H51M | 439.5 + 230.5 = 670 |
Guangzhou South to Kunming to Lijiang High Speed Train Schedule & Ticket Fare
Guangzhou South – Kunming | Kunming – Lijiang | Overall Travel Time | Ticket Fare(CNY) Second Class Seat |
D3802 06:52-15:22 | D8788 17:22-20:32 | 13H40M | 445+220=665 |
D3810 07:41-16:30 | 12H51M | 450+220=670 |
Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Other Transportation Means from Guangzhou to Lijiang
1. Guangzhou to Lijiang Flight
2. Guangzhou to Kunming Flight + Kunming to Lijiang High Speed Train
Top Attractions to Visit in Lijiang
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain enjoys a beautiful and unique scenery. It is called “Oru” in Naxi, which means “sacred mountain”. Its chain of mountains are like a “dragon” soaring and flying, so it is called “Jade Dragon”.
c. Lugu Lake
Lijiang to Guangzhou Train

- Last updated on Mar. 09, 2021 -