Guangzhou to Dalian Train
Presently, 1 Guangzhou to Dalian train is running from Guangzhou Railway Station to Dalian Railway Station. The Guangzhou to Dalian train takes about 41 hours to complete the journey which is 3,256 kilometers (2,023 miles). The ticket price of a soft sleeper is CNY 999 and of a hard sleeper is CNY 585.
Basic Facts of Guangzhou to Dalian Train
Open Date: 1st July, 2014
Travel Time: Around 41 hours
Travel Distance: 3, 256 kilometers (2,023 miles)
Top Speed: 140 km/h (87 mph)
Operated at: Guangzhou Railway Station, Dalian Railway Station
Major Stations along the Way: Chenzhou, Hengyang, Zhuzhou, Changsha, Yueyang, Wuhan, Xiaogan, Xinyang, Zhumadian, Xuchang, Zhengzhou, Xinxiang, Xingtai, Shijiazhuang, Baoding, Tianjin, Tangshan, Shanhaiguan, Suizhong, Jinzhong and Dalian.
Guangzhou to Dalian Train Tickets Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
T367 Details of the Train T367:
42H3M | 11:44 Guangzhou | 05:47+2 Dalian |
Other Transportation Option: Guangzhou to Dalian Flight
6 Guangzhou to Dalian flights are available from Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport to Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport. The schedule of these flights is from 08:05 to 21:20. The travel time is about 3.5 hours and the airfare is from CNY 900 to CNY 1,100.
Where to Go in Dalian
Tiger Beach Ocean Park is located in the southern bathing place of Dalian. Mountains and ocean encircle this beautiful park. It is the exact place for tourists to enjoy the charming bathing beach scenery.
In the Happy Theater of Tiger Beach Ocean Park, tourists can watch the show performed by white whales, sea lions and seals. Tourists who want to see more about the sea creatures can go to the Sea Beast Hall to see ursine seals, seals and penguins. Or they can just go to the Coral Hall to watch the colorful world under the sea.
The park is also a place for tourists who love birds. When they get to Jiaoyu Forest, they can see dozens kinds of birds including peacocks, red-crowned crane and egrets. Most importantly, they can also sit on the sightseeing boat to see the scenery around or participate in activities like Jurassic adventure, bungee jumping and pirate ship.
Jinshitan Scenic Area has lots of scenic spots, one can enjoy a lot in the scenic area. Tourists can just wander in the beach to feel the smooth sand coming through the space between the toes. In addition, they can also go to the Bathing National Geological Park to appreciate grotesque stones or see wax figures of famous people around the world in Jinshi Wax Figure Hall. After the visit, one can go to Tangfeng Hot Spring and let the host spring wash up all the tiredness.
In the theme park, one can have a totally different experience of travelling. For people who are brave enough, they can take part in the drifting activities. And for others, they can watch the fabulous world performing tour. At the night, tourists can watch the fireworks show. For tourists who are interested in the entertaining activities, the Discovery Land Theme Park is recommended.
Dalian to Guangzhou Train
1 Dalian to Guangzhou train is in service, taking the travel time of about 38 hours. See detailed Guangzhou Train Schedule & Dalian Train Schedule
Reading More: How to Travel Between Dalian and Guangzhou