Chinese New Year Greetings – Lucky Words and Sayings

Start the following lesson on the most popular sayings for Chinese New Year, with written Chinese characters, sound marks in pinyin, human voice pronunciation, and their lucky meanings.
Say loudly in Chinese to express your joy and love to your family and friends!
Say loudly in Chinese to express your joy and love to your family and friends!
5 Most Popular Chinese New Year Greetings
- 过年好guò nián hǎoHappy New Year!
- 新年快乐,万事如意xīn nián kuài lè, wàn shì rú yìHappy New Year and may all go well with you.
- 新年快乐,阖家幸福xīn nián kuài lè, hé jiā xìng fúHappy New Year and wish you a happy family.
- 恭喜发财gōng xǐ fā cáiWish you happiness and prosperity!
- 恭喜发财,红包拿来gōng xǐ fā cái, hóng bāo ná láiWish you happiness and prosperity; give me a red envelope. (kidding)
3 Ways to Say ‘Happy New Year’ in Chinese
- 新年好xīn nián hǎoGood New Year!
- 过年好guò nián hǎoHave a happy New Year!
- 新年快乐xīn nián kuài lèHappy New Year!

- 祝你……zhù nǐWish you… (for the same or younger generations)
- 祝您……zhù nínWish you… (for elder or respected people)
- 祝你新年快乐zhù nǐ xīn nián kuài lèWish you a happy New Year!

- 春节快乐chūn jié kuài lèHappy Spring Festival!
- 新春快乐xīn chūn kuài lèHappy New Spring!
- 恭贺新禧gōng hè xīn xǐWish you a happy New Year!
Best 2019 Chinese New Year Greetings
- 猪年大吉zhū nián dà jíLucky Year of the Pig
- 猪年吉祥zhū nián jí xiángLucky Year of the Pig
- 猪事顺利(诸事顺利)zhū shì shùn lìEverything smooth in the Year of the Pig.
Sayings for Good Luck & Best Wishes
- 大吉大利dà jí dà lìGood luck and big profit
- 吉星高照jí xīng gāo zhàoThe lucky star shines bright.
- 吉祥如意jí xiáng rú yìGood fortune as you wish.
- 万事如意wàn shì rú yìMay all go well with you.
- 心想事成xīn xiǎng shì chéngMay all your wishes come true.
- 一帆风顺yì fān fēng shùnWish you a smooth life.
Chinese New Year Greetings for Family Life
- 阖家欢乐hé jiā huān lèJoy and fun for the whole family
- 阖家幸福hé jiā xìng fúHappiness for the whole family
- 年年有余nián nián yǒu yúSurplus year after year
Chinese New Year Greetings for Good Fortune
- 恭喜发财gōng xǐ fā cáiWish you happiness and prosperity!
- 财源广进cái yuán guǎng jìnWide and plentiful financial sources
- 财源滚滚cái yuán gǔn gǔnMay a river of gold flow into your pockets.
- 招财进宝zhāo cái jìn bǎoBring in wealth and treasure
- 金玉满堂jīn yù mǎn tángAbundant wealth in the house
Greetings and Sayings for Business
- 生意兴隆shēng yì xīng lóngBusiness flourishes
- 和气生财hé qì shēng cáiHarmony brings wealth
Greetings and Wishes for Career
- 步步高升bù bù gāo shēngContinuous promotions to higher positions
- 升官发财shēng guān fā cáiWin promotion and make a fortune
- 事业有成shì yè yǒu chéngSuccessful career
- 工作顺利gōng zuò shùn lìEverything goes well with your work.
- 大展宏图dà zhǎn hóng túRealize one’s ambition
- 平步青云píng bù qīng yúnMeteoric rise in career
- 飞黄腾达fēi huáng téng dáRapid success in career
- 马到成功mǎ dào chéng gōngWin speedy success at the beginning
Sayings for Good Health & Safety
- 龙马精神lóng mǎ jīng shénVigorous spirit of the aged
- 身体健康shēn tǐ jiàn kāngGood health
- 岁岁平安suì suì píng ānEverlasting peace and safety year after year
Chinese New Year Greetings for Students
- 学习进步xué xí jìn bùProgress in study
- 学业有成xué yè yǒu chéngAchievement in study
- 金榜提名jīn bǎng tí míngSucceed in important examinations

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- Last updated on Feb. 11, 2021 -
Questions & Answers on Chinese New Year Greetings
Asked by Thomas L. Williams from UNITED STATES | Feb. 01, 2019 09:23

Great site. Easy to use. Thanks for the info
Answers (3)
Answered by Justin from CANADA | Feb. 10, 2019 18:20

Yes, it's very useful.
Answered by Adam | Jan. 05, 2021 15:20

Yeah! The translations and characters are accurate, as if stated by an expert. This website is ideal for translations and learning! Also, happy new year!
Answered by Maximilian Chong | Feb. 11, 2021 19:01
