Chongqing to Lhasa Train
Presently, 1 Chongqing to Lhasa train runs from Chongqing West Railway Station to Lhasa Railway Station every two days, taking the travel time of 36h to complete the total travel distance of 3,050 kilometers (1,895 miles).
The ticket price of a soft sleeper is CNY 1,034.5 and of a hard sleeper is CNY 663.5.
In the year of 2026, Chengdu - Lhasa High Speed Railway Line will be completed. By then, 9 hours are needed to travel from Chongqing to Chengdu and then to Lhasa by high speed train.
Passengers can take metro line 3, 4, and 10 to get to the north railway station directly.
There are two bus stops near the railway station. Passengers can take any one of the buses mentioned below to get here.
Chongqing North Railway Station North Square: 141, 217, 245, 354, 558, 622, 663, 665, 818, 820, 849 and 897.
Chongqing North Railway Station South Square: 105, 119, 138, 202, 421, 439, 473, 0491 Night, 558, 616, 663, 0800 Night, 820, 821, 841, 869 and 879.
Take city bus 13 to bus stop Yaowangshan Food Market and then walk east along the road for about 200 meters (220 yards) to the northwest gate of Potala Palace. One can also take a taxi to go there, taking about 25 minutes and costing around CNY 35.
Passengers can take city bus 13 to bus stop Museum and after, walk west along Norbulingka Road for about 100 meters (110 yards) to get to the east gate of Norbulingka. If get here by taxi, it may take around 15 minutes and cost about CNY 25.
Take city bus 1 to bus stop Niji Garden District C and transfer to city bus 27 in the same bus stop to Sangzhulin Village. After, walking along 318 National Road for about 800 meters (880 yards) to get there.
It is advised to take a taxi to get to the river because of the long distance. The taxi ride takes about half an hour and the fare is around CNY 50.
If the train tickets are not available, one can rely on Chongqing - Lhasa flight. Currently, 9 flights scheduled from 06:00 to 14:10 are available from Chongqing to Lhasa. The travel time is about 2.5 hours and the air fare is from CNY 550 to CNY 1,300.
1 Lhasa to Chongqing train is available every two days, taking the duration of 35.5 hours.
See detailed Chongqing Train Schedule & Lhasa Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Chongqing to:
Major Rail Lines from Lhasa to:
The ticket price of a soft sleeper is CNY 1,034.5 and of a hard sleeper is CNY 663.5.
In the year of 2026, Chengdu - Lhasa High Speed Railway Line will be completed. By then, 9 hours are needed to travel from Chongqing to Chengdu and then to Lhasa by high speed train.
Chongqing to Lhasa Train Tickets Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Z223 Details of the Train Z223:
36H21M | 22:03 Chongqing West | 10:24+2 Lhasa |
How to Get to Chongqing North Railway Station
By metro
By bus
Chongqing North Railway Station North Square: 141, 217, 245, 354, 558, 622, 663, 665, 818, 820, 849 and 897.
Chongqing North Railway Station South Square: 105, 119, 138, 202, 421, 439, 473, 0491 Night, 558, 616, 663, 0800 Night, 820, 821, 841, 869 and 879.
How to Get to Famous Attractions from Lhasa Railway Station
To Norbulingka
To Lhasa River
It is advised to take a taxi to get to the river because of the long distance. The taxi ride takes about half an hour and the fare is around CNY 50.
Another Transportation Option: Chongqing - Lhasa Flight
Lhasa to Chongqing train

- Last updated on Apr. 08, 2022 -
Questions & Answers on Chongqing to Lhasa Train
Asked by Kylee from CANADA | Apr. 13, 2020 20:25

Sleeper train from Chongqing to Lhasa in August 2020
I read that it is not a daily train. I want to know on which day the train runs in August. If the coronavirus can be well controlled at that time, I will make start my plan for Tibet. Thank you.
Answers (1)
Answered by TravelChinaGuide | Apr. 14, 2020 19:41

Thank you for your inquiry.
According to the current rail schedule, Z223 will runs on each odd days in August. We will look forward to a chance to serve your trip as soon as things getting better. Have a good day!
According to the current rail schedule, Z223 will runs on each odd days in August. We will look forward to a chance to serve your trip as soon as things getting better. Have a good day!