Chengdu - Huaihua Train
Nowadays, there are about 10 pairs of high speed trains operated between Chengdu and Huaihua on a daily basis. The distance is 1,010 km (627 mi) and the duration of them is about 5 - 6 hours. The ticket of a second class seat is sold at the price of CNY 435 - 458.
Chengdu - Huaihua High Speed Train
Basic Facts:

Chengdu to Huaihua High Speed Train Schedule
(Last Update on Apr 25, 2023)
About 10 departures in total: departure time from 06:13 to 16:30; duration from 5h18m to 5h53m.
See more Chengdu Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G2195 | 06:10 - 11:31 | 5h21m |
G2371 | 07:06 - 12:24 | 5h18m |
G1983 | 08:09 - 14:05 | 5h56m |
G2187 | 09:19 - 15:06 | 5h47m |
G2183 | 16:31 - 22:03 | 5h32m |
See more Chengdu Schedule
Huaihua to Chengdu Bullet Train Timetable
(Last Update on Apr 25, 2023)
About 10 departures in total: departure time from 09:43 to 18:05; duration from 5h16m to 6h.
See more Huaihua Schedule
Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G2161 | 09:43 - 15:45 | 6h2m |
G2181 | 10:19 - 16:07 | 5h48m |
G1757 | 13:19 - 19:39 | 6h20m |
G2185 | 14:17 - 19:49 | 5h32m |
G2369 | 15:06 - 20:44 | 5h38m |
See more Huaihua Schedule
Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Chengdu- Huaihua High Speed Train Ticket Fare
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 1,333 - 1,410 USD 196 - 207 | CNY 710.5 - 746.5 USD 104 - 110 | CNY 435 - 458 USD 64 - 67 |
How to Get to Chendu East Railway Station?
2. Bus Line: 2, 27, 91, 101, 136, K12, Night Bus Line 1, 2 & 6, Airport Shuttle Bus Line 3
How to Get to Huaihua South Railway Station?
Transfer in Guiyang for More High Speed Trains
Schedule | Duration | Full Price Ticket Fare (Second Class Seat) | |
Chengdu East – Guiyang North/ Guiyang East | About 55 pairs from around 06:13-20:06 | 3 - 5 hours | CNY 213 - 297 |
Guiyang North/ Guiyang East – Huaihua South | About 50 pairs from around 06:52 - 20:20 | 1.5 - 2 hours | CNY 167 - 171.5 |
Total | --- | 4.5 - 7hours | CNY 380 - 468.5 |

- Last updated on Apr. 25, 2023 -
Questions & Answers on Chengdu - Huaihua Train
Asked by Haywood from LATVIA | Sep. 25, 2019 23:53

Chengdu to Huaihua K578 + Huaihua to Zhangjiajie K268
Is this connection doable?
Answers (1)
Answered by Darius from AUSTRIA | Sep. 26, 2019 18:44

Yes, it should be fine as both K578 and K268 use the same station in Huaihua, 1 hour should be fine to change trains. If you are worried about a possible delay, you may prepare 2 hours between.
Asked by Deane | Apr. 16, 2019 02:25

How to go to West Bus Station from Huaihua South Train Station?
Answers (1)
Answered by Carl from SINGAPORE | Apr. 16, 2019 18:10

You can use bus No. 116 directly, west bus station should be the 26th stop, a long distance. It takes around 1 hour on the way. Or 30min by taxi.
By the way, if you are going to the Fenghuang Ancient Town, you can consider tourist bus from South Railway Station to the Ancient Town directly, taking around 1 hour on the way. You can try to find the bus after arrival.
By the way, if you are going to the Fenghuang Ancient Town, you can consider tourist bus from South Railway Station to the Ancient Town directly, taking around 1 hour on the way. You can try to find the bus after arrival.
Asked by Brendan from USA | Dec. 06, 2018 17:24

Is Chengdu Station the same as Chengdu North Station?
May I know the detailed address? Thank you.
Answers (1)
Answered by Rodney from LITHUANIA | Dec. 07, 2018 00:43

Yes, they are the same. It was called "North Station" by local people. It is at No. 1 Zhandong Street, Jinniu District, on metro line 1 and 7 (the stop is also called North Railway Station).