Changsha - Yiwu Train
At present, there are about 25 pairs of high speed trains operated between Changsha and Yiwu on a daily basis. Their general running distance is 815 km (506 mi) with the lowest ticket price of CNY 359.5 for a second class seat. A single journey takes about 3.5 - 4.5 hours in total, varied by the different numbers of stopovers along the way. Apart from that, a few normal speed trains also serve this line with the general duration of about 10 - 13 hours, including some overnight sleeper trains. The price of a hard sleeper ticket is CNY 214 - 216.
Open date: December 10th, 2014
Duration: about 3.5 - 4.5 hours
Distances: 815 km (506 mi)
Top speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)
Operated at: Changsha South Railway Station, Yiwu Railway Station
(Last Update on Apr 25, 2023)
Around 25 depatures in total: departure time from 08:02 to 18:51; duration from 3H33M to 4H35M.
See more Changsha Schedule
(Last Update on Apr 25, 2023)
Around 25 depatures in total: departure time from 07:41 to 18:55; duration from 3H39M to 4H24M.
See more Yiwu Schedule
Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
(Last Update on Apr 25, 2023)
Note: The stopover time at Yiwu Railway Station is relatively short, usually 2 minutes, it is better for passengers of this station to seize the time.
This high speed railway line came into service in 2014. It is a part of Shanghai - Kunming high Speed Railway. The passing-by stations include Liling East, Pingxiang North, Xinyu North, Yichun, Gaoan, Yingtan North, Shangrao, Jiangshan, Quzhou, Jinhua, Jinxian South, Yiyang, Longyou, Yushan South and Fuzhou East.
Duration: about 10 - 13 hours
Distance: 817/ 865 km (508/ 537 mi)
Top speed: 120 km/h (75 mph)
Operated at: Changsha Railway Station, Yiwu Railway Station
Major stations along the way: Zhuzhou, Pingxiang, Yingtan, Quzhou, Shangrao, Yushan, Jiangshan
(Last Update on Apr 25, 2023)
(Last Update on Apr 25, 2023)
1."+" indicates the trip end on the next day.
2. The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on the top of this page.
(Last Update on Apr 25, 2023)
There is also 1 pair of flights shuttling back and forth between Changsha and Yiwu every two days with the duration of about 1.5 hours. The prices of the economy class tickets change between CNY 300 - CNY 1,000.
Major Rail Lines from Changsha to:
Major Rail Lines from Yiwu to:
Changsha - Yiwu High Speed Train
Basic Facts:

Changsha to Yiwu High Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1346 | 08:01 - 11:42 | 3h41m |
G1332 | 10:20 - 14:00 | 3h40m |
G1334 | 15:05 - 19:11 | 4h6m |
G1306 | 18:15 - 21:42 | 3h27m |
See more Changsha Schedule
Yiwu to Changsha Bullet Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1421 | 08:00 - 12:03 | 4h3m |
G1377 | 11:09 - 15:00 | 3h51m |
G1375 | 12:49 - 17:13 | 4h24m |
G1369 | 14:33 - 18:14 | 3h41m |
G1363 | 18:55 - 22:40 | 3h45m |
See more Yiwu Schedule
Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Yiwu - Changsha High Speed Train Ticket Fare
Business Class Seat | VIP Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 1,136 USD 167 | CNY 685 USD 101 | CNY 606 USD 89 | CNY 359.5 USD 53 |
Running Route of High Speed Trains between Changsha and Yiwu
Normal Speed Train of Changsha - Yiwu
Basic Facts:

Changsha to Yiwu Train Schedule:
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
Yiwu to Changsha Train Timetable:
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
1."+" indicates the trip end on the next day.
2. The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on the top of this page.
Changsha - Yiwu Train Ticket Fare
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
-- -- | -- -- | -- -- |
Other Transportation Option: Changsha - Yiwu Flight

- Last updated on Apr. 25, 2023 -
Questions & Answers on Let Me Say about
Asked by Jarvis from NEW ZEALAND | Sep. 24, 2019 00:49

Is Yiwu Station still working at night time?
Can we collect our ticket at station at late night or early morning?
Answers (1)
Answered by Tommy from AUSTRALIA | Sep. 24, 2019 20:41

As I know this station works 24 hours a day, you can always find a counter for ticket collection. However, maybe very few counters at night time or early morning. You may need time for direction to find it. By the way, English sign hardly found there. Wish you a good luck!
Asked by Stephen from FINLAND | Dec. 06, 2018 02:17

If I miss the train, can I take the next train directly?
Can I still have a chance to find seats or I would need to stand for the whole trip?
Answers (1)
Answered by TravelChinaGuide | Dec. 06, 2018 17:20

Thank you for your inquiry.
If you miss the train, you can still try to change the ticket to other later rides on the same day if there are still seats available. If you changed the ticket successfully, you will get new seats assigned. If the seats are already fully booked, you cannot change the ticket anymore. By the way, please kindly notice that the ticket can only be changed one time. Hope this can help you.
If you miss the train, you can still try to change the ticket to other later rides on the same day if there are still seats available. If you changed the ticket successfully, you will get new seats assigned. If the seats are already fully booked, you cannot change the ticket anymore. By the way, please kindly notice that the ticket can only be changed one time. Hope this can help you.