1941 Chinese Zodiac - Metal Snake
Which type of Snake are people born in 1941 Chinese zodiac year?
In Chinese zodiac, 1941 is the year of the Snake sign. And based on Chinese Five Elements, it belongs to the Fire element. So people with Chinese zodiac Snake born in 1941 are the Metal Snake.
As Chinese lunar calendar is different from Gregorian calendar, the Metal Snake year in Gregorian calendar starts from January 27, 1941 to February 14, 1942. People born from January 1 to January 26 in 1941 are the previous Metal Dragon.
Lucky Signs for 1941 Metal Snake
Lucky numbers: 2, 3, 7, 8
Lucky colors: red, yellow, black
2024 Horoscope for Metal Snake Born in 1941
Although not young any more, their physical status would not be bad this year and even a little better than last year. They might also be energetic enough to make some trips together with their partner or friends and enjoy a colorful and wonderful later life. But still, they should pay enough attention to their body, especially those suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes. When feeling uncomfortable, turn to the doctor for treatment timely. Also, go for a body examination on a regular basis. They would not have much luck in making a fortune this year, so do not “touch” risky investment and carefully manage their savings. If possible, do not lend money to others randomly.
See more about Snake Horoscope in 2024
2025 Horoscope for Metal Snake Born in 1941
Although in their Ben Ming Nian (Zodiac Year of Birth), Snake people born in 1941 would not be much affected and could have a relatively stable overall fortune in 2025. Specifically, there would not be any major changes in wealth and their family life would be full of joy and happiness. The only thing they need to pay attention to is their health. They are advised to pay attention to safety when walking up and down stairs, wear non-slip shoes, and avoid traveling to dangerous places. In addition, they should maintain good eating habits, and try to keep their diet light. If feel unwell, take timely measures like seeing a doctor.
See more about Snake Horoscope in 2025
Personality Traits of the 1941 Chinese Zodiac Metal Snake
"Snakes" born in 1941 are full of courage; they have a strong will, and they are determined and capable. They can handle things calmly without any panic. In addition, although their appearance looks very cold, they are actually warm-hearted. They can get along well with others and could be very helpful.
However, some of them are too self-centered to take into account the feelings of others. And they are overconfident and even conceited. Moreover, they are suspicious by nature, and it is difficult for them to trust the people around them. See more about Personality of the Snake
"Snakes" born in 1941 would have a stable wealth luck in their old age. They could have enough accumulation of money thanks to early hard work and investment. Therefore, they need not to worry about money. However, to keep their money safe, it is not advised to invest a lot.
Family Life
People with Chinese zodiac Snake born in 1941 could enjoy a harmonious family life. They would spend more happy time with their lover. In addition, their relationship with children and grandchildren is also very good. Their offspring will visit them regularly and they feel very happy. See more about Snake's Love Compatibility
The health condition is relatively good, but as they get older, their physical quality is not as good as before. The Metal Snake should pay attention to heart diseases, such as palpitations, chest tightness, insomnia, abnormal heart rate, etc. It is suggested that they stay up as little as possible and eat more nutritious food.
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