1940 Chinese Zodiac - Metal Dragon
Which type of Dragon are people born in 1940 Chinese zodiac year?
Dragon is the 1940 Chinese zodiac sign. And according to Chinese Five Elements, people born in the year of 1940 Dragon belong to the Metal Dragon.
As Chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar, in Gregorian calendar, people born from February 8, 1940 to January 26, 1941 are the Metal Dragon, and people born from January 1 to February 7 in 1940 belong to the previous Chinese zodiac Fire Ox sign.
Lucky Signs for 1940 Metal Dragon
Lucky numbers: 4, 9
Lucky color: white
2024 Horoscope for Metal Dragon Born in 1940
This year, the most important thing for people born in 1940 year of the Dragon to do is to maintain a healthy body. Pay more attention to daily diet. In specific, eat less greasy or irritating food, but more fresh vegetable and fruit. Also, do some exercise based on their body conditions. Relying on their savings and retirement pension, they could live a worry-free life financially. But be cautious of phone frauds and don’t trust strangers easily, because the 2024 horoscope prediction says they may be cheated and suffer a big loss. In spite of these, their life would be happy and smooth and they can enjoy their later life happily accompanied by their partner and offspring. See more about Dragon Horoscope in 2024
2025 Horoscope for Metal Dragon Born in 1940
With a stable income, such as a pension, “Dragons” born in 1940 could be able to live a carefree life. However, it may be important for them to be careful not to trust others easily to avoid being cheated. Family life would be harmonious, and there would be pleasant interactions between them and their partners and children. What they should pay more attention to is their health. They should keep a light diet to reduce the burden on the stomach; stick to exercise like slow walking to maintain a better physical condition; quit smoking and pay attention to the health of the respiratory system; and be careful of safety when going out. See more about Dragon Horoscope in 2025
Personality Traits of the 1940 Chinese Zodiac Metal Dragon
People with Chinese zodiac Dragon born in 1940 are straightforward and simple. They have unique thinking and can put forward more constructive and creative ideas. Moreover, they are kind-hearted and will not only take the initiative to help people with difficulties, but also help or take care the stray animals. And they also have strong physique, abundant energy and noble ideals.
However, their mood fluctuates greatly, and they often change their mind, which makes them unpredictable. In addition, they lack executive power and mobility. Although they have many ideas, it is difficult for them to perform them well. The Metal Dragon has a strong desire for self-expression, which is easily hated by people around him. So they should keep a low profile. See more about Personality of the Dragon
The Metal Dragon people born in 1940 will have a good fortune in their old age. They will not encounter setbacks and frustrations anymore, and they will receive other people’s help when they are in trouble. It should be noted that due to their kindness, they may be easily used by some bad guy, making their hard-earned money being cheated. Therefore, in their daily life and work, they must remember not to trust others easily and not to be too kind to others.
Love and Relationships
The 1940 Metal Dragon are very single-minded. They are the kind of people who will not easily change their mind once they fall in love with a person. Therefore, they would love their lover deeply all their lives and there would be nothing to worry about their infidelity. What's more, they and their spouse may be very considerate to each other in life, which makes others envy a lot. They could also have harmonious relationships with their children. See more about Dragon's Love Compatibility
The people with Chinese zodiac Metal Dragon sign may suffer from some heart diseases in their later life, which would make them worry. However, as long as they follow the doctor's advice, they would not suffer much pain. In addition, eating a light diet may be also a good way to keep healthy.
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